Your own snoring may not be waking you up at night, but it could make your sleep less restful. Snoring sometimes signals a greater problem known as sleep apnea. Sleep apnea involves the obstruction of air passageways during sleep, making breathing more difficult and sleep more restless.
Relaxed oral tissues can cause sleep apnea and snoring. An intraoral appliance can move the lower jaw and tongue forward, creating space for better breathing. Marshall Family Dentistry can create a custom appliance to help you sleep easier and give you breathing relief.
We make this process easy by diagnosing your sleep apnea ourselves. Whereas sometimes patients must participate in a hospital sleep study to discover the cause of their snoring, we can diagnose your sleep apnea using a take-home sensor. You wear the wristwatch sensor while you sleep comfortably at home, and we then ship the sensor to a lab. Let us show you how you can get a good night’s sleep without the strain of sleep apnea.